Monday, August 29, 2011

It's been a while

Have you found Pinterest yet? I love this  place. I no longer have a mile long list of favorites listed on my computer. I can actually see them all in one place and stalk every one Else's favorites.

I am sitting here this morning with a DOZEN things to do .... not doing any of them. Watching Ellen, and playing on Pinterest.

I was shopping this weekend and saw all of the Halloween goodies in the stores. When my children were small I decorated for every holiday big or small. My daughters favorite holiday is Halloween.

 When I logged on Pinterest this morning I saw a full page of  Halloween ideas.  Wow I can not believe  it is that time already.

Check out these cute cup cakes they are on the Better Homes and Gardens web site.

Wouldn't this be fun to do with a  group of friends and see how every ones monsters turn out.

I may actually have to make some of these for the Holiday they are soo cute!!

I have lots of new things to tell you about. I just have to take the time to post it all and share it with you. I hope you all had a fun summer.

In two weeks I will have lots of time to tell you about it. My job is being eliminated and I will be unemployed.

I have projects in Somerset Memories, Green Crafts, Scrapbooking and Beyond to share to show you.

I have really been lazy as far as my crafting projects lately. I am just starting to become a little more motivated. I am starting  to get involved again. Just not quite sure where my mojo went these last few months. Too much life taking over my time lately.

I have been on a major clean our and reorganize bing though.  Some of my closets look a little better. 

 What have you been doing this summer? 
Have a great week.- Gayle

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Really Reasonable Ribbon

This month I had the honor of being the guest designer for Really Reasonable Ribbon's online store. Later tomorrow I will be posting the rest of my projects on their blog featuring Helmar products. My projects were created using their Baker's twine, and gingham assortment. They have a wonderful collection of 12  Baker's Twine with a  total of 60 yards for only $9.49.

For the holidays I created some Easter decorations and have included a vintage image for you to use. I enjoy saving old postcards and collecting vintage images, so i incorportated them in to several of these projects.


I used empty glass bottles from the kitchen that had been washed and dried.  I used the Helmar Quick Fix Adhesive Runner to adhere the image to the glass bottle. To finish off the bottle I tied the Bakers twine around the neck of the bottle with a small tag.

I will be posting the rest of the projects from Really Reasonable Ribbon on the Really Reasonalble Blog on April 23.

 I have more projects using recycled bottles  as well as some scrapbook projects to show you.
Thanks for dropping by have a great week!

April 20th 1984 my last baby was born

Here she is the Queen Bee it's her birthday week. 
 April 20, 1984 at 3:42 am- Baptist Hospital in Kendall, Florida

 Meghan Alanna Martin
8 pounds 6 ounces
blue eyes
dark brown hair

This is her first birthday in our home in the Redlands near Homestead , Fl. She celebrated with mom, dad and with the brothers . The girl is more interested in her chicken leg than the birthday cake.

Meghan attended Beginnings Preschool in Boynton Beach, Florida.

Happy Birthday baby hope your have a wonderful birthday week!

Love you,

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Somerset Memories Spring 2011-Bicycle Book

Spring has officially arrived in Florida, The flowers are in full bloom and are just beautiful. I spent two days taking photos of the trees in my front field. The flowers were gorgeous and the  bumble bees were heavy flying in and out of the tree limbs and flowers.

I  have some projects to share with you that are in the latest Spring 2011 Somerset Memories magazine. My projects that are actually from a couple of years ago. This is what the magazine looks like if you look for it on the news stands.

One of the items if a project called the Bicycle Book. It was created as a flag book which is a very easy book to assemble. You start with an accordion fold as your binding and add cards to the folds which allow it to flip back and forth. It is a really fun way to put together your own book when you are using lots of photos.

The photos in this book are of my brother teaching his two children and my niece how to ride a bicycle one week end while they were at Flagler Beach. After the many trips running up and down the block with 3 small children I figured that event needed it's own book. So here you have the bicycle book created with Helmar450 and Helmar Quick Fix Adhesive Runner.

One of the scrapbook pages published is a baby photo of my brother standing at my mother's clothes line in our back yard. The back ground is hand painted with Luminarte paints and the leaf design is drawn on the paper. The page is assembled with Helmar 450 and Helmar Quick Fix Adhesive Runner.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

1992 Flash Back

This morning I called my mom to see what she was doing and she said she was sorting
through old letters. My sister and her family are coming to visit her next week. The children usually use the back bed room/ craft room/ my dad's office in my parents house as their bedroom. The last time I was at my parents house they were remodeling one of their other rooms. The back bed room of their  housing had quite a bit of the stuff  store in it from the other room. It virtually was a maze of boxes and stuff waiting to be returned to the other room.

I asked my mom how the  clean up and put away was going after the remodel. She started telling me that she was sorting and organizing. My mom just had a minor surgery last week, so I new she was limited in the amount of work that she could do.  I told her I would come over and help since I was off from work today.
My mom said that I did not need to come over and work at her house. I told her she must be kidding. You are sorting and we need to be in serious warp mode clean up at this point. You have a house full of company coming in one week. I want to make sure she has all of her energy reserved to shop with my sister when she arrives.

All is well at my mom's after a day of clean up. We still have time for the heavy cleaning next weekend!

As she was sorting though  she gave me this post card that my 8 year old daughter sent to my father in 1992.

My mom, son, daughter and I were visiting my sister and her husband in Ridge wood , New Jersey. This was  my children's first trip to New York City, so we made all of the usual tourist trips and visits. We usually traveled by train in to the city and used taxi's to get around to the different locations we wnted to visit.

My daughter sent a Statue of Liberty post card to my dad who she calls Papa.
 Note the spelling of his name on the card! 
We visited the Statue of Liberty, The Empire State Building,  and The World Trade Center among other things. In case you need help ciphering her english!

Last year she graduated from the University of Florida with an Bachelors in English. This year she will graduate with a Master's in Epidemiology.

I am sure she will find dozens or typo's in my post ( she usually asks if I use spell check). 

I love this post card and even more that my parents have it almost 20 years later.

                                                                                                                                                                   We visited New Jersey several times to see my sister and cousins. But we always had to go in to the city while were were there.

 My daughter and husband recently visited New York city and attended some plays. We  loved to go to a matinee and an evening show almost every day.
I am glad she still enjoys the theatre. Last week her husband purchased tickets to take her to see Wicked in Orlando for their second anniversary. She loved it so much she has convinced me that my husband and I should go see it before it ends this month.

Have a great week!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Random Act of Kindness Week Feb 14-20, 2011

 This week is RAK week or Random Act of Kindness week.  I hope you will join in this week or any week with your own RAK.
Some quick ideas
Pick your receiver or be totally random with your kindness

Send a card  or small gift in the mail- every one loves mail
Leave a small gift, encouraging word, poem or quote  for some one
Leave beautiful photos or pictures for people to see
Do a small favor for some one but do not tell them
Use your own imagination it does not have to cost anything to be kind

Random Acts of kindness blog.

 The first challenge is a really easy one
Kindness Idea of the Day 
Be Generous With Compliments

You’ve probably experienced what it feels like when someone else says something nice to you or compliments you. Even a very simple compliment can brighten your day, and make you feel better about yourself.

For 7 days you are to take take Extreme Kindness Challenges.
You can also follow them on facebook  Facebook Random acts of kindness.
So here is my gift to you. It has been very gloomy and grey weather here in Florida. It seems that every Monday for the last month it has rained all day. In an effort to bring some color to my life I purchase flowers for my self every week from Publix. They have a huge collection of flowers that are 3 bundles for $12. Finally on Tuesday the sun peeked out for a few hours in the afternoon.
Here are some photos that I took in my back yard with a few short rays  of sunshine from Florida. I then played with  the photos in Photoshop using some actions and textures. This is the original photo and below is the photo that I played with in Photoshop.
Added an action and a blur to this photo. This is a $3 bundle of flowers and some pine needles from a tree in my front yard.

This photo is a bunch of Tulips that are in an antique Blue Ball jar. Love this photo!

Added a linen texture over this photo and then erased the
texture over the tulips.

Have a great week!

Next week I am taking photos on Monday and Tuesday, so I will update you with new photos later in the week.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sew Somerset Publication

I received my copy of Sew Somerset in the mail and the cover is beautiful. Somerset frequently has you vote on your favorite cover and this one is very colorful, bright and inviting. The art work in the magazine in inspiring cover to cover.  You should pick up a copy and look at all of the wonderful inspiration in the magazine. My closest friend Lucy has a beautiful book in the magazine and you can see the complete book on her blog
Lucy's Crafty Life.

I have two page in the magazine one of the page is my Maternal Grandmother. The page is called Pearl ( actually that was her name). She was one of 14 children, ironically my father is an only child and he was adopted. I have fond memories of visiting her brothers and sister, my aunts and uncles in rural Georgia when I was a child. The excitement of the day was seeing how high we could make the porch swing go as we visited each house. We usually had to endure my parents telling us to quite swinging so hard.  One of us would actually run and push the other one in the swing out over the huge purple azaleas that surrounded the house.

Most of the houses also had porch rockers since there were screen porches all the way around the house.

So after all of that babbeling ....
Here is my grandmother  PEARL in her wedding dress. This actually is a page that I put together several years ago.  I was not crazy about this paper when it came in the kit so I inked and painted the paper to alter it just slightly. The colors were very monochromatic and I wanted a little more color on the page. The papers are from FISKAR. I was a design team member for Scrap Muse and the paper came in their monthly kit. Some times it pays to stretch your creativity.

The bottom page was for a challenge on Websters Inspire Me and the challenge was to use some of their embellishments. I actually did not have a lot of the product left so I cut the pieces I had apart and sewed on the page and added the pieces in to the page.

The bottom page has a photo that  is from about 3o years ago. We  were on vacation in North Carolina with my parents. My mom is in the foreground and my older son is playing in the creek.  This page is a little different form my usual style and I was surprised when it was selected for publication.

Thanks for looking!

I hope you are having a great holiday season. Take time to enjoy you self!


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Welcome to Helmar's Huge Holiday Hop!

 Welcome To My Blog!

There are no snow flakes falling here in FLORIDA but it is beginning to feel like Christmas. Welcome to the Helmar USA/ Australia  HUGE Holiday HOP!

I am anxious to see all of the wonderful projects that the ladies have  put together this time to share with each of you. Be sure and register on each site for more opportunities to win some great prizes.

You are currently at My site Gayle Martin I will give you direction at the bottom of the page on how to go to the next blog on the Helmar Huge Holiday Hop.  So relax look around and follow the directions at the bottom when you are ready to move on
Along with that you should have a great understanding of all of the fabulous products that Helmar has to offer you for all of your crafting needs. They great part is you can win some of those great products and try them out for your self. It is truly a wonderful thing to be able to used the right product for your projects and not just used what you have on hand.

I have been on a jewelry making spree and decided to share some easy techniques with you to make your own flowers. They can be adapted to used on jewelry, hair bows, barrettes, head bands, pins, bracelets, package decorations or what ever your little heart desires.

I have been using old silk clothing that I pick up at my local Goodwill or salvage centers. Some are made from ribbons, Duiponi silk fabric,  or sheer organza. You can adapt the project to use what you have on hand. This is a great project for a beginning sewing project.

This is a sample of some of the ribbons and fabrics I used

These are samples of silk fabric and old silk clothing that have been used. This is an excellent beginning project for young children to learn to sew on and can even be used as a large group project.

I purchased old skirts, dresses etc from salvage, and washed them. I then tore them in to strips about 1 inch wide by 6 inches long. ( You can vary the sizes and create different width flowers) I have added  sewn a running stitch down one side of the fabric.  So that you can more easily see it I used a  heavy white thread  on the sample in the photo. When you create your  flower you will need to use a matching thread. Create a running stitch down the side and sheer the fabric tight  to create a circle.  ( you are pushing the gathered fabric down the gathering thread towards the knot.) You can then sew the ends together and make sure you stitch it tight so it will not pull apart. You want the gathering to remain tight together to form the flower. you will be glueing this edge together I will instructions later. The outer  edge will be frayed  so  it will give you a soft feathery edge for your flower.
 With the wired ribbon cut your length of ribbon  and then  pull the wire from each end just a little. This will  allow you to have some thing to hold on to as you work. Bend the wire ends under so that you will not pull out the other side as you work. Tighten the ribbon down  as you pull the wire out of the end until it starts to create a circle. You may be able to see what I am talking about in the photo  at the left. the red ribbon is wired.  You  can  pull the wire out of the other side of the ribbon when you finish making you flower.

I used Helmar Fray Stop on the center of the flower to secure all of the loose edges and prevent the raw edges fron fraying in the center. 

You can use any embellish t in the center with  of the flower that you like. I have used round or flat buttons, beads and jewels and adhered them. The easiest way to attach them is by using Helmar Gemstone Glue.

My favorite adhesive is Helmar 450 Quick Dry when attaching all of the other elements and pieces to the jewerly.

 While I used Helmar Fray Stop on the middle seam and left the outer edge frayed to create a feathery look  for the flower.
Below are other example of ways I have used the basic shape in other projects.  I have incorporated some other flower designs in some of the pieces that I will  show you how to make at a later time.

I have used this same ribbon and fabric design in several other projects.  Take a look at them an incorportate them in your own projects.

If you are ready to move to Next blog in the Helmar Huge Holiday Hop-this is the link that you will need to follow to get there. Aymee Gandy
If you need to go Back to the previous blog follow this link to get there.
Alicia Barry
  If you did not start at the beginning of  the Helmar Huge Holiday Hop  go back to  Helmar USA  and begin there. Folloow this link to start at the beginning HelmarUSA/Australia you will be able to  see all of the projects and great prizes.

Thank you for visiting with us this weekend. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!

Gayle Martin
Helmar USA Design Team

Friday, December 3, 2010

That's My MOM!

 My dad called  to let me know my mom had been taken to the hospital.

She was receiving and injection for her rheumatoid arthritis and started having complications so they took her to the hospital.

Today they did an upper GI because it sound like there may be some complications from the medications they are giving her.

When I was visiting her tonight in the hospital I told she may have to cut back on her Cokes and hot sauce to reduce the pain and burning.
My dad laughing say "On no that is not going to be possible." We both laughed because the Cokes are a ever so slight possibility, but the hot sauce is definitely an impossibility.

This is a woman that does not use a lot of salt or seasoning on her food. But loves her peppers, hot sauces, Tabasco,black pepper, etc .

Hopefully they are letting her go home tomorrow.

These are 7 of her 12 grandchildren the other 5 are boys!
Have a great weekend.

Helmar Blog Hop

The Helmar Blog Hop is this Sunday December 5, 2010 . So mark you calendars and join us. This this is the list of participants that will be featuring some wonderful projects to inspire you. There will also be some fabulous prizes along the way, so mark you calendars and join us.

You will be starting with the Helmar Blog  right here-> Helmar USA  and each site will direct you to the next site.

Helmar USA Design Team Blog

Tracy Weinzapfel

Preferred Vendor – Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker LLC

Laura Achilles

Shelly Hein-Simmons

Amy Teets

Guest Designer – Tammy Tutterow

Alicia Barry

Gayle Martin

Aymee Gandy

Erika Taylor

Preferred Vendor – Unity Stamp Co.

Cathy La Hay

Pamela Young

Jessica Morales (KinderStampO)

Lolly Chessie (LollyChops)

Tina McDonald

Leeann Pearce

Stayce DeWid

Guest Designer – Marion Smith

Michelle Wallace

Nicole Pomeroy

Sarah Moore

Sherry Mendoza

Becky Teichmiller

Preferred Vendor –

Jing-Jing Nickel

Lydell Quin

Helmar USA Design Team Blog

We hope to see you this Sunday!


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Urban Swank Blog Hop

Welcome to My Blog- and The Urban Swank Blog Hop this weekend. I am glad you came by to visit .
Be sure and visit Urban Swank's Face Book page they are  giving away prizes this weekend  this is the  link: Urban Swank Facebook.

 The entire team is playing along this week end soplease be sure and look for all of the great projects along the way.

Becky Teichmiller

Erika Taylord

Rachel Theall

Virginia Wong

Marci Knecht

Pauline Dirrig

Simona Gughi

Gayle Martin

Michelle Van Etten

Candra George

Urban Swank

For my project I started with White Washed paper and cut out the beautiful details from the  Urban Lily Sushi Stripes collection. This link will take you to the paper collection .

The soft cocoa's corals, and tans compliment the sepia colors of the photos perfectly,

 You are currently at the blog of Gayle Martin
To get to the next blog you will need to follow this link to the blog of  Michelle Van Etten -Just follow this link-Trendyscrapper and you will be on your way.

Have a great Pre Holiday weekend.


Monday, November 15, 2010

Holiday Cards and Gifts with ShutterFly

 Most of you know that I love taking photos it supports my other hobbies.

I am always taking photos of some one...... I love to take Photos. Tomorrow I am going over to my brother's house and find some children to photograph. They have been gone for a few days and I want to see how much they have grown. Good excuse that should work what do you thing. They are still at the age that they like to have their picture taken That should be fairly easy there are six children 16 thru 2 years of age.

Next week my daughter, Son in law and Son will be here for the Holidays. More photos!!! My daughter wants her Christmas card photos taken.

Which brings me to this post.

Holiday Cards
Shutterfly has  a huge assortment of holiday card to choose from. Some  are beautiful holiday cards and other can be simply a photo with chosen words.

Isn't this simply adorable, this gives me worderful ideas for my photos.
Visit the Shutter fly web site to see all of the choice of holiday cards.

Do you have a child that is away at college or maybe they just want to send their own holiday card.  Better yet maybe your favorite pets needs to send out their holiday wish list to the family.  This is a wonderful design  for that single photo.

The also have lots of Holiday design choices to compliment you beautiful photos.

Holiday Calendars

They have a huge selection of Holiday calendars and I love the options you can add to you calendar.

Besides using your photos you can personalalize all of you birthdays and special dates, you can see all of the options and choices on their web site. Just use this link below.

Looking for that perfect gift for the Grandparents- Photo Books

For all of you Scrapbookers this gift is the best ever. I usually scrapbook and give away most of my pages to the family members. Last year my daugher photographed some of my pages  I was giving away. She them created a book of the images for me to keep.. You may choose to use your pages to create a book for your other family members.

Shutter Fly has some amazing deals going on right now as well as free shipping on select
items.  Visit their web site today and be amazed how easy it is to put together some beautiful gifts.